Thursday, June 12, 2008

Are Americans ready to take back their country?

Well, since my last entry I have received emails and comments saying that Americans could never take time to Strike from work and driving. In my opinion this idea is as crazy as the fact that Americans are letting their Government dictate how much they pay for everything. If Americans strike and refuse to go to work or drive for a day, two days or even a week it would seriously wake our Government up and realize we are not going to pay the price for their own greed or agenda. This is the only real leverage we as Americans have left. The government has us around the neck strangling us with their policies, corruption and lack of respect for the very people that are providing them the opportunity to be the figure that they are. Yes, Americans would suffer some if we all walked out on our jobs. But the outcome would be far better than the suffering that we are and will continue to deal with. The worst has yet to be seen. Gas prices will increase and in turn will continue to increase the cost of every product Americans buy. EVERY PRODUCT.

United we stand. Remember? Our government is not united with the American people. They are kidding themselves if they think they are. America and it's it's people are in distress because of the decisions that our Government has made. They have not looked out for us because they were to busy looking out for themselves and their corporate friends that were padding their pockets for favors.

Look, I am not naming names or placing blame. I only want us to stand together and tell our Government to either change or we will walk out on them. If we strike and shut our country down what are they going to? Start pointing guns at us and demand us all to work and drive. Maybe, I don't really know but I know that the American people better stop whining and complaining about what is happening and start taking some real action. I am not real sure what a petition is going prove or writing letters to our government officials will do. I only know that voting does not even seem to work anymore because we don't regulate who will run. Heck we don't know who to freaking believe or trust. I do know this. I have voice. the person reading this has a voice and if Americans can take this serious and UNITE we can force our Government to change.

I asked everyone to please leave feedback. Not everyone did. If you have an idea I want to hear it. We need to start figuring out how we are going to get the word out to Americans on UNITING. This is OUR country too. We have all sacrificed something at sometime for our nation to our nation. I know our fore fathers would have never sat back and watched their country die.